Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Spring Cleaning

These last few weeks have been crazy! People are fighting all kinds of virus's and germs every time I turn around! So to help with this I'm going to post some secrets of mine to keep healthy & well: (These are great also for preventative measures to keep the immune system running smooth and the body up to speed!)

1) First thing you must do is throw on some Essential Oils to fight the bacteria/virus's onto your feet and let your body distribute them as needed. (This works out pretty nice since the biggest pores of the body are on your feet, so our feet will absorb almost anything we expose them too. . . .) There is an oil blend called Deliverance that is REALLY good for nasty bugs, it's made by Butterfly Express, and is equivalent to Young Living oil blend Thieves; throw it on your feet and wrap them up in a blanket or some warm socks. Also really helpful is to rub Breezey onto your upper back and Aspire on your chest. This creates a triangle effect with your feet, chest and back to attack the bugs from all sides. Do this twice a day, once in the morning and once at night until symptoms improve dramatically.

2) Next step is to drink a Hot Toddy twice a day. Now every family has this recipe in one form or another. You drink it when you feel a cold or flu coming on, while you're fighting it, and after wards, to help your body restore to normal functions. This is my version of the classic Hot Toddy:

Hippie's Hot Toddy

8 Oz Glass of Warm Water (Warm to the touch but not scalding)
2 Tsp Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar - With the Mother Enzyme
Squirt of Locally Harvested Organic Honey
1-2 Drops Lemon Oil
Sprinkle of Cayenne Pepper (A little goes a long ways here)

Stir together with either a spoon or cinnamon stick. Sip slowly over 10 minutes first thing in the morning and before you go to bed.

This is also recommended to drink once every 3-4 days to help give your Immune system a boost.

3) Another secret of mine: EAT GARLIC! Really! Garlic has many anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties can readily attack the bugs in your system and eradicate them! Of course don't overdue or your co-workers will frown at you every time you talk in their direction.

4) Something else that's really helpful is to take an Echinacea Tincture; this handy herbal medicine is a tincture made with Echinacea Root (Echinacea purpurea.)It's main function is to boost your immune system and help your body fight foreign invaders. If you cannot find this Tincture and don't have time to make your own you can get IF Tincture (Infection Fighter) from Butterfly Express. It has Echinacea root, oregon grape, poke root, red clover blossom, cayenne, yarrow, usnea. Recommended dosage for all Tinctures is one drop per oz of water. So 4 oz of water with 4 drops in it twice a day will be plenty. (Handy Fact: you can rub IF onto skin if there are any staff or skin infections)

5) Next on my agenda are two words: VITAMIN C
If I have to explain why your body should need plenty of Vitamin C whilst fighting a cold/flu; just stop reading now and call it a day. Seriously. LOL

6) Take your body weight, divide by two. This is how many oz of water you need each day to stay hydrated. This was a big wake up call to me. I need 130 oz of water a day! That's just over a GALLON of water a day! Holy crap in a pita batman! Something to factor in as well is the foods we eat (vegetables, fruits etc) all have a measure of water in them, so we are constantly taking in water. Or at least we should be. (As a soap maker the simple fact of drinking plenty of water every day can keep your skin so healthy and vibrant! I've seen it over and over again)

7) Keep that lymph system moving! The lymph system is your body's way of collecting used trash and garbage from all the cells and running it into the liver, then the kidneys and out the body. It has no organ to pump it along (like the heart and circulatory system) so it depends totally on our movement! If you don't feel up to walking or running then simply bouncing in place or on a mini trampoline will force the garbage trucks to move right along and dump away! Doing this every day in one form or another (even horse back riding is excellent for this) will dramatically improve your bodies ability to fight infections.

Take control of your system again! These simple and natural ways can help kick the most violent and evil of invasions. Of course your diet, water intake, and exercise levels will affect how long the bug will be welcomed in your body. If you have a poor diet, drink more Soda than water, and rarely exercise, your body will become a magnet to nasty critters. Keep hydrated, eat healthy, and work out as often as possible! I know we've all had this stuffed down our throats since we were little kids, but it's because it actually works and will save us a lot of grief and money in the long run. So do something simple today to give your immune system a boost and when the bugs come crawling your way you are ready, armed, and set to destroy them before they even have a chance to get comfortable!