Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Caribbean Chicken with Coconut Rice

It has rained for so many days here! It's totally sucking the life out of summer. Lame. I feel that to break it up it's time to visit the Caribbean. Since I'm saving up money for school this fall it's cheaper for me to visit the Islands in my kitchen! These two recipes do just that.

For the Marinade:

1 tsp Allspice
1/4 Cup Red Onion, Chopped
1/2 Cup Green Onion, Chopped
2 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 Cup Orange Juice
1 TBSP Lime Zest (or 1 Lime Juiced)
2 TBSP Soy Sauce
2 TBSP Chopped Thyme
2 TBSP Jalapeno, Seeded and Diced (1 Large Jalapeno)
2 TBSP Freshly Grated Ginger
1 Clove Garlic, Chopped
Salt & Pepper to Taste

Mix together in a Food Processor or Blender until pureed.

For the Chicken:

4 Chicken Breasts, Boneless and Skinless

Place chicken breasts into a large zip lock bag or plastic container and allow to marinade for up to 8 hours. Pre heat oven to 350 degrees. Heat grill to high, after marinating remove chicken and place on hot grill. Grill each side of chicken 3-4 minutes then place in a cake pan and finish in the oven uncovered, about 15 minutes. (Cut one chicken breast open to see if it's cooked thoroughly, cook longer if needed) Squeeze lime wedge over each piece of chicken and serve hot.

Coconut Rice

2 Cups Rice (Cal-Rose Rice or Jasmine Rice)
1 Cup Water
1/2 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream
1 Cup Canned Unsweetened Coconut Milk
1 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Clove
1/2 tsp Nutmeg
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract OR 1 Vanilla Bean, split

Rinse and drain rice in cold water. Mix together Coconut Milk, Whipping Cream, Salt, Cinnamon, Clove, Nutmeg, and Vanilla in a small saucepan. Begin to heat milk/cream sauce on med-low. While that's warming add water to rice in separate stove top pan and bring to boil on high heat. Allow to boil for 1 minute and turn down to low. When milk/cream sauce is warm, pour into rice and throw lid on top. Turn heat up to med-high again and bring to boil. When boiling turn down to low and allow rice to finish cooking. (About 5 minutes) Fluff with fork and serve.

Serve with a nice fruit salad (full of your favourite fruits like pineapple and mango) and tropical juice. Dress up for the occasion and crank up the Tropical Island Music! (Bust out the sunlamps if needed . . . )

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Thought

“I am asking that we stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully
the sunlight. I am suggesting that as we go through life, we ‘accentuate
the positive.’ I am asking that we look a little deeper for the
good….Look for the sunlight through the clouds.” G. B. Hinkley

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Musical Meditation

As we launch into the Summer Months I've been listening to certain songs, over and over again. It's maddening how that's like my ears need a peptide release from these songs at least once a day or more. . . .crazy! Anyway to start with I've been listening to all kinds of Classical Pieces from days of yore; and muscle testing if any of them are written in a Musical Key that resonates with a certain Chakra (for instance the Key of F reasonantes with the Heart Chakra). However it's been very interesting to see that some classical songs that are NOT written in the usual Musical Key for a certain Chakra actually Muscle Test for another Chakra. Now I'm pondering why. These are the thoughts that I entertain throughout the day ;-). This first piece is called Adagio in G Minor by Albinoni.

For me this song resonates with the Third Eye Chakra - or your intuition and psychic gifts. Just hit play and sit back with your eyes closed. Clear your mind and allow yourself to just be wrapped up in the song.

While that's playing here are some other songs that resonate with certain Chakra's:

-No. 8 3rd Movement By Ludwig van Beethoven (Root Chakra)
-Swan Lake (Excerpt) by Pyotr LL'yich Tchaikofski (Root Chakra)

-Overture in D Major: Air BMV 1068 by H.D. Karras/P. Maack (Spleen or Sacral Chakra)

-Adagio in E Minor by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Solar Plexus Chakra)
-Piano Sonata No. 14 in C Sharp minor ('Moonlight') by Ludwig van Beethoven (Solar Plexus)

-Concierto de Arajuez/2. Adagio Opening (Heart Chakra)
-Piano Sonata No 11 in A Major Turkish March by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Heart Chakra)
-The Swan of Tuonela by Jean Sibelius (Heart Chakra)

-Organ Concerto in G Major: Largo (Wotqu. No 34) by Capella Istropolitan (Throat Chakra)
-Four Seasons, Spring by Vivaldi (Throat Chakra)

-Symphony No 29 in A Major, K. 201 - III: Minueto by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Third Eye Chakra)

What is really interesting to me is that none of my Classical play lists that I currently have Muscle Test that any of them resonate with the Crown Chakra. However, one of my songs does:

This is by Lisa Gerrard and Pieter Brourke. If you get a chance I would highly recommend Lisa Gerrard's Greatest Hits Album. It's composed by a lady who was not afraid to express her music in her own subtle ways; many of which you've heard of on various epic movies (Gladiator, Man on Fire, Ali etc)

So take a minute and ponder upon the music that you are listening to everyday; it just might be resonating with a certain energy centre of your body and you didn't even know it!