Wednesday, July 21, 2010

You know when a drastic thing comes around and slaps you right in the face? It usually comes without warning or announcement. It can be a job change, living space change, moving to another city, a change of relationship with your significant other, many of these life changes come and you are left standing there, stunned.

This is one of those times.

Because of financial and personal reasons I've decided to take a break from Soap Making until further notice. Right now I'm balancing way too many things that are taking my attention and time, and I have to let go of something. I apologize for the inconvenience this brings to my faithful and loyal customers and their friends. In a nut shell, I feel totally burnt out, and I just need to re-adjust and re-structure my approach to doing all the things that I love to do.

One of those things that I love to do is Education. Whether at the knees of a wise elderly person or in a classroom filled with hungry minds I love learning and challenging the ol' brain. This fall I've the opportunity to attend college full time again! I'm so excited for this I can't stand it! It's been 4 years since I've been full time in school and it's time to buckle down and finally finish that degree!

This is a major change. I'm changing my living space, my daily schedule, where I work, everything! I'm okay with it. I know how important a degree is behind your back and I feel the timing is now perfect. So, in the coming times ahead, I'm going to be focusing a lot more on that, than soap making. I anticipate that in the near future I will find ways to get soap made and sold just like before; its just going to take some time and I thank you all for your patients and understanding!

Until then feel free to browse around my website to learn all about soap making! If you are curious about making your own soap, I've typed up a 12 page "how-to" with lots of details, weblinks, and shops that I get my own supplies from. This doc also has tips that I've learned over the years that will save you time and $, and things to avoid and watch out for. I can email this to you, just leave me a note on the contact page of my website and I will email it to you!

I want to thank everybody for their support, kind words, helpful suggestions and ideas that they've shared with me over the past few years along this journey! I've learned so much and I can't wait to see what's over the next horizon!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Recharge the Batteries

So this summer has already been quiet the adventure! We've had one thing after another (funerals, weddings, family moving & shuffling, reunions, etc) To help break up all the stress this last weekend I've been able to kick back and totally lavish away the hours, doing next to nothing! Most energizing! So to commemorate such occasions, I've put together a collection of pictures I've taken with my cell's camera (Samsung Omnia II). (Which I completely love btw ;-)

Ah, Good Ol' Bear Lake. This relaxing and scenic lake is quiet the place to set up and just let go of everything . . . some fun facts about "The Caribbean of the Rockies" :

Bear Lake's deepest point measured is 200 ft below the surface,

The unique colors of the lake (ranging from deep navy blue to light turquoise green) come from lime deposits deep in the lake,

This is one of the few lakes of the entire world that is home to the Cisco Fish. You can catch all you want during the Cisco Run, (middle-end of January) these sardine sized fish are great for deep frying or as bait.

This is above Bennington, a really small town in Bear Lake Valley. I went for a walk around the dirt roads and found that more often than not when life gets to be too much, a quiet place in Nature can alleviate most troubles.

With escapes like these, you really have a chance to just breath deep. Breath is so important to everything, but more than often we take too many short breaths and rush through the day. Nature, it seems, has a way of silencing the noise, quieting the mind, and through deep, methodical breaths, recharge and rejuvenate the entire system. What do you do to re-energize?