Saturday, September 18, 2010

I Am a Real Person Again

After a month long digital fast I finally have Internet again! You really don't realize how much you use the Internet for everything until it is gone. I actually had to change utilities into my name by CALLING the companies. . .who does that?! I also had to go to the Post Office and fill out a change of address form. I didn't know they still had those in print. If I wanted music, I had to plug my Ipod into my stereo and listen to the same playlists over and over again. Pandora wasn't there for me. I no longer could pay my bills by clicking on their sites and "pay." I had to actually fill out the bill, send a money order in the mail and hope they get it in time. If I wanted fresh and new Soap Making ideas, I had to open a book printed on the subject, instead of reading up on all the blogs. I felt like I had stepped back into the eighties. . .which brings up another disturbing point, I saw, walking around campus the other day, a bunch of freshman girls all dressed up like vintage eighties, neon colors and everything.

Why. Would. You. Do. That. To. Us.

Makes me sick inside. Once was enough. I still have nightmares. . . .

Hooray for Internet!