Sunday, February 13, 2011

Thoughts & Creation

We think approximately sixty thousand thoughts daily.  We are always thinking.  Our mind can be our best friend or our worst enemy depending on what we choose to do with it.  God has given us a powerful tool that allows us to be creators of our lives.  We are completely in charge of our minds.  No matter how we are feeling physically or emotionally, we are free mentally to think any thought of our choice.

Our mental body is at a higher vibration than our emotional body, meaning our minds are more powerful than our feelings.  We have been trained to listen to our feelings and create thoughts that match our feelings.  Therefore, if we are feeling negative feelings, we will think negative thoughts.  We believe we cannot start thinking and perceiving ourselves in a positive light until we feel positive feelings.  Take charge of you life by taking charge of your thoughts.  Change your life by changing your thoughts.Carol Tuttle: Page 9, Remembering Wholeness: A Personal Handbook for Thriving in the 21st Century.