Saturday, December 18, 2010

Soap Disasters #5: Tattoo'd Soaps

Okay so this is still a mystery to me. I read somewhere online that folks used bread pans and cake pans to cast their soap into! As long as you spread a thin layer of Vaseline inside of it the soap shouldn't give you any problems. Sounding too good to be true, I decided to test it for myself.

So with that in mind I cast some left over soap into a skull cupcake pan I bought for Hallows Eve. After allowing the soap to cure for about 2 days, I popped them out and immediately noticed something wrong.

The saponification process stripped the finish of off my cake pan! Most curious. So, now that my chic skull pan is no longer usable AND this batch of soap has been tattoo'd with silver finish; I hang my head in curious defeat. It was too good to be true! Somebody is going to get a vicious email describing my emotional trauma for this on the internet.

So either the cake pan was really, really cheap and was going to do this with cake products anyways; or there is a chemical reaction that affects modern day cake pans I was unaware of. Needless to say I was most displeased by these results. Back to the drawing board. Gotta love disasters!

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