Sunday, April 18, 2010

Angels & Demons

Alrighty then here we go! This piece of music is from Angels and Demons starring Tom Hanks. The OST (official soundtrack) is composed by Hans Zimmer with Joshua Bell on the violin. Rather then being simply a rehash of DaVinci Code it actually takes some themes from the first movie and builds its own story. Sweeping angelic motifs with haunting darkness ever present in the background turns into an enjoyable and heart racing journey.

The movie starts out with the disappearance of newly created Anti-Matter in the CERN laboratories in Sweden. It's discovered to be hidden somewhere in the Vatican City, with a threatening warning against the Catholic Church. An old enemy has awaken to destroy the Vatican City, the Illuminate. In desperation they call upon Symbolist Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) to figure out the clues that they have left for the Church to decipher, or upon each passing hour a Cardinal dies. Heart pounding and awe inspiring I felt this movie had more history, art, and science in it than the first movie. Over all a very thought provoking movie with a well composed soundtrack.

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