Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Razor's Edge

I've been told the best way to absorb information and new material is to read and research it first, and then teach it to another. This is my way of doing that lol. For my Foot Zoning Class we are studying a book written by Bob Proctor called "You Were Born Rich". It's written by a very helpful life coach that has dedicated his time and energy to helping you learn how to help yourself! One Chapter specifically stuck out to me, (the whole book is very engaging and thought provoking; don't get me wrong!) titled "The Razor's Edge."

Bob explains that in life we grew up with the idea that this our lot in life, and we are powerless to change it. Some people are born wealthy and with rich ideas, and others are not. This is so wrong!
"...You are every bit as good, or as powerful, as anyone you see, know, or even hear have the potential to become even more successful than they can do even greater things than they are now doing."

The idea is that through the law of vibration and attraction you can reach a higher potential than you ever dreamed possible. This of course is not going to manifest without a little work on your part! You have to align your vibration (thinking patterns and habits) with the thing you wish to manifest (pay raise, new business, new house, better friends, happier family, etc). The easiest way to do this is to follow what Bob calls the Razor's Edge.

In every horse race, car race, or Olympic event, the tiny milliseconds at the end of the race could determine if you are worthy of a gold winning or simply a runner up. What are you doing to push to that extra .02 seconds?

Consider the actors in a hot blockbuster release, they and their 'stand-ins' look alike, act a like, and even dress a like to convince the audience that it is the same person. However the salary of the major actors and the salary of the stand-ins is a major difference. The actors are being paid MUCH more than the stand-ins. Why is that?

Or consider the story of a run down auto mechanic shop which has run itself into near bankruptcy, changes their luck within two weeks time because they spent time after repairing under the hood, vacuuming and detailing the inside and out of each car that comes their way. Now they are so busy they can't keep up. Why the sudden success?

Two things can make or break the difference between failure and success (the razor's edge).

First - Most of us in society learn only what we need to pass a test, quiz, or subject matter and then we move on.
" follows that it is only the small minority of people in any given field who will go on to become the acknowledged experts in their chosen vocation. Therefore they are the people who can demand and who will receive the lion's share of income in their field. (Just reflect on the vast difference in the incomes of the actors [and the stand-ins]...)"

-Only those that spent the time and effort to become the expert in that specific field are going to get rewarded handsomely and with success.

Secondly - What can you do to push for that extra little umph that will make or break your efforts? Even a little thing as remembering a customer's/client's name, showing excitement toward them for coming back, or greeting them in an uplifting manner WILL make or break a sale. If the customer/client can see that you've spent the extra time in something for them, they will be more likely to come back and your manager is more likely to keep you on their team, and reward you with a promotion.

To keep your Razor's Edge moving forward toward success he suggests that you spend a little bit of time every day researching & reading about your chosen profession/business. Only a half hour a day or even an hour a day reading up on your business/skills will after a year's time yield far greater results than if you only occasionally researched it. Only the experts are going to get the much greater results remember.

If you find yourself driving to and fro a lot, listening to audio-books related to your field of study is a great way to incorporate this into everyday life. Another way is to listen to audio-books while working out, either at home or at the gym. (This is a great way to time your workouts with each chapter, and keep your mind focused on the study material instead of how many minutes you have left on the treadmill! ;-)

"Remember it is virtually impossible to keep exposing your mind to great ideas without having those ideas expressed in your physical world. Moreover, it is probably only one idea you need to make the difference in your life."

Simply said, if you put in enough effort to gain the extra .02 milliseconds above your work peers and work hard going the extra mile for your customers/clients and manager; people will notice and you will very quickly become a power house of skills and effort that will in the end yield only success. I highly recommend reading this book, I've enjoyed each chapter and applying it's skills to my personal and professional life. At the end of each chapter Bob has an exercise to put you right to work so you can start making changes in your life, and see results immediately! He's more of a 'Lets get up and get this going already!' type of personality rather than the boring lecture-driven professor we've all come to abhor. A great read and a great way to start positive changes in your life!

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